Consulting Engineers | Construction Managers I Surveyors | Designers and Detailers


How up to date are your site and facility plans? YOUNG & ULRICH ENGINEERING, INC. can meet many of your civil engineering needs.  Drawings can be provided from foundations to site plans.  We use a variety of equipment such as Total Station, Levels, and GPS to name a few.

Site & Facility Plans
With a site plan or facility plan, items can be entered on different CAD layers. Items such as equipment, buildings, machine lines, HVAC, piping, or utilities can be turned on or off to be displayed as required.  Site and facility plans can be generated from existing drawings or surveyed directly.

 Site and Facility Plans

YOUNG & ULRICH ENGINEERING, INC. can provide complete foundation design drawing along with anchor bolt details and reinforcement schedules.  Pile foundations, spread footers, retention walls, block foundations, caissons, along with many other foundation configurations have been designed by    YOUNG & ULRICH ENGINEERING, INC.   We have the engineering capabilities to design the proper foundation for buildings, structures, tanks, general equipment, rotating equipment, and machinery.  For example, vibration problems within machinery can often be solved with a proper foundation.
